Achieving more with video marketing

We explore a number of things to think about to get the most out of your video marketing.

Create something for your audience

It sounds obvious, but you shouldn’t create a video that you want to watch. You need to know what your audience wants to see instead. Conduct research on what your audience wants to see, share and discuss. And also, more importantly, will make them transcend onto your call-to-action.

Try something different

If you’re feeling brave, trying something a bit different can really pay off. Just remember it’s the content that will make the real difference here – it doesn’t have to go viral, it just needs to keep the interest of your audience.

Include a call-to-action

Don’t forget that you’ve created the video for a reason! Give your prospective customers every opportunity to take an action while they watch. It could be a clickable link on YouTube or even a ‘chat’ button on your website that pops up.

Use analytics

Having an insight into your audience’s behaviour when watching your videos can be invaluable. You can detail the demographic, click-through rate, view rate and much more.


Split test videos that have the same purpose rather than pinning all of your hopes on one. You could adjust thumbnails, tags, video content and the CTA.

Decide on the KPIs

Decide on realistic KPIs for your video before you create it. These will form a large part of your video marketing strategy. KPIs for a video could include:

  • impressions
  • likes
  • views
  • comments
  • CTR
  • PR
  • views
  • leads
  • subscribers.

With these tips, you now have the basis to get the most out of your next video marketing venture.

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