Proven ways to increase the size of your opt-in email list

Has your email list reached a plateau? Is it in decline? If so, it’s time to act.

On average, email databases typically decline by about 22.5 per cent every year due to changing email addresses and unsubscribes. So to repopulate, you should explore a number of techniques to implement and reap the benefits.

1. Opt-in pop-ups

Even though pop-ups can be annoying for the visitor, they do deliver positive results. There are a number of cases studies that prove they work. For example, Darren Rowse Photography increased his email subscribers from 40 to 400 a day after installing a pop-up form on his website. Not only did the pop-up window improve sign-ups, it also improved the bounce rate and visitor numbers.

2. Ask your subscribers to share

Having a sharing icon at the bottom of your emails will prompt your current subscribers to forward your emails to their friends. This will not only help spread the word, but it could potentially increase the size of your email list.

3. Ensure your emails are visually pleasing

Your subscribers will check their emails in the morning, on their mobiles on the commute, on their breaks, and then back home in the evening. This is a lot of checking… and typically a lot of ignoring. If an email doesn’t have a great subject line or the layout doesn’t grab their attention – it’s sent to the trash folder.

To prevent this eventuality, make your emails as aesthetically pleasing as possible, ensure they are responsive for mobiles and check your subject line!

4. End with a subscription form

If you write a regular blog for your website, then be sure to end it with a subscription form – this is an opportunity for people who haven’t signed up with you to get regular updates. This is an old technique, but there’s a reason why it’s stood the test of time – it actually works!

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