Enhance your email list with these lead magnifiers

A lead magnet’s purpose is to gain a prospect’s information (typically an email address) in exchange for a free offer.

Inspiring visitors who consume your content to actually convert and give you their email address can be difficult, but with these lead magnet ideas, it should make things a little easier.


An eBook offers a flexible and creative format to supply content to your prospects. The ‘how-to’ guides do typically well.

You can present this in a number of formats, but the PDF format seems to be a favourite as many people will want to save and open it with ease.

eBooks are great for collating a large amount of content – i.e. 10 blog posts on one topic. Or you may want to try release a chapter of an eBook each week for five weeks, giving your prospects a great stream of content for their email address.

Cheat sheet

A cheat sheet is a useful list of ideas that can save people a lot of time in the long run. For example, an email provider could provide a cheat sheet for Outlook or Gmail with all of the helpful keyboard shortcuts that their potential clients will want to use.


A guide will typically feature useful and relevant advice that’s geared towards your target audience. This can be published in a number of different formats.

An example of a guide is a ‘resource guide’. This could entail:

  • A list of any resources that your prospects may find useful.
  • A list of blogs, websites, podcasts or books that you recommend.
  • A list of software solutions/services that you either use or recommend.


You don’t typically gate infographics. They are used for gaining traffic, links for SEO and for sharing on social media.

In some situations, if the infographics are extensive and extremely helpful, they can and should be gated. It’s just another way to earn opt-ins.

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