Ways to immediately boost your website traffic through social media

If you are a small business, you may feel your are at a massive disadvantage compared with your big-budget competitors. So how can SMEs carve out their own pieces of the market?

1. Remarketing on Facebook

Whether you are B2B or B2C, Facebook can be a great marketing tool. But did you know that you can implement Facebook remarketing? You can install a Facebook tracking pixel on your website then market to potential customers that have visited your pages. This can be a proactive way to boost traffic to your website or blog.

2. Email targeting on Facebook

You can give your email lists a second lease of life with Facebook. Instead of blasting a set of emails out then not visiting the list ever again, you can now target their social accounts through the email addresses you have collected. This is a great way to target users on their mobile devices.

3. Remarketing on Twitter

Same with Facebook remarketing – install the pixel on your website and away you go. The only downside is that you will need a minimum of 500 potentials before you can go ahead with it.

4. Email targeting on Twitter

Again, like Facebook, you can target Twitter users based on their email address. But you will still need a minimum of 500 potential customers before you can advertise to them.

5. Twitter cards

Twitter cards offer a great way to get more traffic to your website. They are larger tweets that include an image and a call to action. They enable you to grab potential customers’ attention with great images and copy. You can use the CTA to go straight through to your site or you can even attach a download like an ebook to capture an email address.

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